
Photo taken in 1997 by Jan Popiel

The church was built in 1879. One of the builders was J. Demkowicz. People of Dobra were of east orthodox religion until 1691. Almost one hundred years after Union of Brest (1596) the whole area changed its religion to Greek-Catholicism. In 1946 communists abolished this denomination, which in 19th century became the religion of Ukrainians. The church in Dobra was taken by Roman Catholics who did not try to preserve it so it was almost in ruin until 2006 when it was restored. The middle tower was destroyed by the German artilery.The Germans were across the San River, while Russians were in Dobra. The church (tserkvia) is mentioned in the book "Tserkvia v ruini"(The church in ruin) and in "Katalogi zabytkow".

Cerkiew w Dobrej, obecnie kosciół rzymsko-katolicki, zbudowana w 1879 r. Dobrzanie byli wyznawcami prawosławia do 1691 r. kiedy to ziemia przemyska przeszla na unie (1596). W 1946 r. kościół katolicki został zdelegalizowany. Kościół w Dobrej został odrestaurowany staraniem m. innymi księdza Marka Grzebienia.


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